Class and Events Calendar image
 (Members Only) Click this LINK TO SSLC ONLINE CALENDAR to register for classes/events.

All classes are held in the Turquoise Room of the HOA2 Arts and Crafts Center on SaddleBrooke Blvd. on Wednesdays, Fridays, and some weekends in both mornings and afternoons.

You must be a Club member to take Classes and attend Social Events.

  • Members.
    • Classes - Events.  
    • Members may sign up for Classes and other events via our our online calendar which requires a password.  The password may be obtained from the Training Coordinator ( or any Board member.
    • Members may also sign up for classes by contacting the Training Coordinator at or by contacting the Instructor directly.
    • Social Events.
    • The SSLC hosts monthly social events for members to connect and share their experiences and knowledge.  These include meeting for refreshments and snacks, and tours of member studios.  All Social Events are listed in the calendar and Members may sign up there.

  • Non-Members.
    • Non-members may view information about recent classes by reading our NEWSLETTERS which have calendars and descriptions for the most recent periods.  However, you must be a Club member to take classes.
    • Beginning metalsmith and lapidary classes are required for membership.  To learn more or to sign up for a class, contact the Training Coordinator at or using the CONTACT US form.
    • Non-members may ask about the club, classes and joining by using the CONTACT US form.